At letgo (marketplace app), one of my main responsibilities was producing an abundance of carousel banner ad sets for Facebook/Instagram, Google Display, various programmatic partners, and letgo pro B2B/B2C sales while maintaining company branding. I consistently refreshed and measured the performance of ad designs, taking into consideration CTR/CPI and other metrics. I maintained an image library of real user product postings I’d pull from the back-end database for the team. Banners were created for targeting across US English, US Spanish, and Turkish markets. “Always test!” was our motto and I would literally dream in banner ads and wake up excited to do my next A/B test.

Can you guess what product consistently had the best performance? (Look to the bottom for the answer!)

My inclusion of search feature in banner design resulted in dramatically positive performance. Example of A/B testing different layouts.
Banner test featuring luxury jewelry and verified seller images.
Banner test featuring best selling product categories.
Banner test for Memorial Day holiday featuring Spring yard products.
Banner test targeting sellers featuring seller image, rating, and money made.
Banner test featuring free items. Example of A/B testing 1 product image vs. 4.
Standard top performing banners. I’d typically produce 6 ad sizes per refresh set.
A/B redesign banner test.
Banner set featuring luxury fashion products.
Complete banner set for Valentine’s Day.
Seasonal winter banner set.
Successful banner test featuring Star Wars products when The Rise of Skywalker was released.
Banner set targeting car sellers.
Tax season banner set targeting car buyers.

Answer: Ads that featured white dressers (furniture) performed the best!